Dependable, courteous and reliable transportation to those common destinations like medical appointments and diagnostic testing - we will get you there safe and on-time..
Rehabilitation implies a need for assitance. Even if it is for someone else you can rely on MB Solutions to provide that extra level of confidence and trust that your transportation service is safe and comfortable.
We provide caring, thoughtful attention to you or someone you know when you are dealing with a hospital transfer or discharge. It's at these times you neeed a company that provides a layer of sensitivity.
Dialysis treatment is a common reason to choose a company that can provide needed supervision, comfortable transportation and medical assistance, if necessary. MB Solutions is here to help you.
Shopping - its a necessity but when when you can't get around or have someone that can't get around - its best to get help. Besides logistics, many locations are difficult to traverse. We can help with tools and assistance.
Airports are crowded at times and for those with limitations or special needs, it can be impossible or at the least - a very bad experience. Call MB Solutions for on-time , comfortable and reliable transportation.
MB Solutions has the revolutionary Stryker Stair-PRO, which provides breakthrough stairway mobility previously unavailable in any stair chair. Independent ergonomic experts found Stair-PRO users had less physical stress and risk of back injury than operators of any of the six major competitive chairs.